What My Daughters Teach Me :: 24/52

What My Daughters Teach Me :: 24/52
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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

Lia // My sweet baby girl. Your 4.5 self is so strong-willed. You are relentless and driven, you never give up, and you have passion like crazy. You are so incredibly sweet to baby Lucia, and you are the best big sister to her. The minute I ask you to do anything for her, you stop whatever you're doing and you say, "Of course, coming, Looch." You are my special and incredible, independent, lovely little girl. I learn from you every day -- about patience, about love, about determination. You're teaching me.

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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

Siena // Oh, Siena girl. Your smile melts me a thousand times. Your turning three has all of a sudden made you a big kid to me. But all the while, you have the ability to swiftly turn into my baby that I could sing Twinkle, Twinkle to all day long. You snuggle in my lap and ask me to read you Green Eggs & Ham and Frozen and Madeline. You always want to be touching me, to be close to me, to "cuddle me on the couch." I learn from you every day -- about the importance of physical touch, about the living in each moment, about soaking up the most ordinary of times, about love. You're teaching me.

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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

Lucia // My baby baby girl. At ten months, you shine. You have the ability to light up a room just by being in it. You are stubborn and you are feisty because you have to be. Because the two older girls? They run circles around you, and you work hard to keep up. You are the peacemaker who comes in the fight and distracts the girls with your bright smile and curious eyes. You are going to stop wars, my dear one. I learn from you every day -- about peace, about the value in relationships, about the pursuit of what it is that I want. You're teaching me.

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They teach me.jpg

In between tweeting, reading books to my daughters, and [not] burning mac n cheese, I am the Founder + Creative Director of Blessed is She women's ministry + community.